A class in programming is like a group of people. For example, if you have a group of friends, each person in the group is called a "friend". In programming, we call each person in the group a "class". Just like your friends might all have different names and personalities, classes can also have different names and qualities. So when you write code, you can create different classes with different names and abilities to do things.
Object Classes
class Person:
	def __init__(self, name, age):
		self.name = name
		self.age = age

	def greet(self):
		print('Hello my name is ' + self.name)

human = Person('John', 36)

print(human.name) # John
print(human.age) # 36
human.greet() # Hello my name is John

Trait Classes
import math

class HasFlippers(object):
	def swim(self):
		return 'can swim'

class HasFeathers(object):
	def fly(self):
		return 'can fly'

class Duck(HasFlippers, HasFeathers):

class Seal(HasFlippers):

a = Duck()

b = Seal()

Interface Classes
import math

class Shape:
	def area():

class Rectangle(Shape):
	def __init__(self, width, height):
		self.width = width
		self.height = height

	def area(self):
		return self.width * self.height

class Circle(Shape):
	def __init__(self, radius):
		self.radius = radius

	def area(self):
		return math.pi * self.radius * self.radius

a = Rectangle(width=3, height=5)
b = Circle(radius=4)

print('area of a is {:f}'.format(a.area())) # area of a is 15.000000
print('area of b is {:f}'.format(b.area())) # area of b is 50.265482

Struct Classes
from typing import NamedTuple

class Person(NamedTuple):
	name: str
	age: int

human = Person(name='John', age=36)

print(human.name) # John
print(human.age) # 36

Enum Classes
from enum import Enum

class Days:
	Sunday = 0
	Monday = 1
	Tuesday = 2
	Wednesday = 3
	Thursday = 4
	Friday = 5
	Saturday = 6

day = 4;

if day == Days.Saturday or day == Days.Sunday :
	print('a weekend');
	print('a weekday'); # a weekday
