Logical operators in programming are like a set of tools that help us decide what to do depending on how things look. Logical operators tell the computer to do something based on how two different things compare.
Increment Operators
The increment operator increments the value of a single variable.
Example of increment operator in php.
$age = 20;

// Increment After
print($age++); // 20
print($age); // 21

// Increment Before
print(++$age); // 22
print($age); // 22
Decrement Operators
The decrement operator decrements the value of a single variable.
Example of decrement operator in php.
$age = 20;

// Decrement After
print($age--); // 20
print($age); // 19

// Decrement Before
print(--$age); // 18
print($age); // 18
Addition Arithmetic Operators
The addition operator returns the sum of two variables.
Example of addition operator in php.
$age = 20;

print($age + 1); // 21

Subtraction Arithmetic Operators
The subtraction operator returns the difference of two variables.
Example of subtraction operator in php.
$age = 20;

print($age - 2); // 18

Multiplication Arithmetic Operators
The multiplication operator returns the product of two variables.
Example of multiplication operator in php.
$age = 20;

print($age * 3); // 60

Division Arithmetic Operators
The division operator returns the quotient of two variables.
Example of division operator in php.
$age = 20;

print($age / 2); // 10

Modulus Arithmetic Operators
The modulus operator returns the remainder of two variables.
Example of modulus operator in php.
$age = 20;

print($age % 9); // 2

Exponentiation Arithmetic Operators
The exponentiation operator returns the power of two variables.
Example of exponentiation operator in php.
$age = 2;

print($age ** 3); // 8

Addition Assignment Arithmetic Operators
The addition assignment operator returns the sum of two counterparts.
Example of addition assignment operator in php.
$age = 20;

$age += 1;

print($age); // 21

Subtraction Assignment Arithmetic Operators
The subtraction assignment operator returns the difference of two counterparts.
Example of subtraction assignment operator in php.
$age = 20;

$age -= 2;

print($age); // 18

Multiplication Assignment Arithmetic Operators
The multiplication assignment operator returns the product of two counterparts.
Example of multiplication assignment operator in php.
$age = 20;

$age *= 3;

print($age); // 60

Division Assignment Arithmetic Operators
The division assignment operator returns the quotient of two counterparts.
Example of division assignment operator in php.
$age = 20;

$age /= 2;

print($age); // 10
Modulus Assignment Arithmetic Operators
The modulus assignment operator returns the remainder of two counterparts.
Example of modulus assignment operator in php.
$age = 20;

$age %= 9;

print($age); // 2

Exponentiation Assignment Arithmetic Operators
The exponentiation assignment operator returns the power of two counterparts.
Example of exponentiation assignment operator in php.
$age = 2;

$age **= 3;

print($age); // 8
Equal Comparison Operators
The equal operator checks if two variables are equal value.
Example of equal operator in php.
$age = 20;

print($age == 20); // true

Equal Type Comparison Operators
The equal type operator checks if two variables are equal value and type.
Example of equal type operator in php.
$age = '20';

print($age === '20'); // true

Not Equal Comparison Operators
The not-equal operator checks if two variables are not equal value.
Example of not-equal operator in php.
$age = 20;

print($age != 18); // true

Not Equal Type Comparison Operators
The not-equal type operator checks if two variables are not equal value and type.
Example of not-equal type operator in php.
$age = 20;

print($age !== '20'); // true

Greater Than Comparison Operators
The greater-than operator checks if the value of the first variable is greater than the second.
Example of greater-than operator in php.
$age = 20;

print($age > 18); // true

Less Than Comparison Operators
The less-than operator checks if the value of the first variable is less than the second.
Example of less-than operator in php.
$age = 20;

print($age < 21); // true

Greater Than or Equal Comparison Operators
The greater-than or equal-to operator checks if the value of the first variable is greater than or equal to the second.
Example of greater-than or equal-to operator in php.
$age = 20;

print($age >= 20); // true

Less Than or Equal Comparison Operators
The less-than or equal-to operator checks if the value of the first variable is less than or equal to the second.
Example of less-than or equal-to operator in php.
$age = 20;

print($age <= 20); // true

And Logical Operators
The and operator checks if the value of the first and second variable are true.
Example of and operator in php.
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Or Logical Operators
The or operator checks if either the value of the first or second variable is true.
Example of or operator in php.
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Xor Logical Operators
The xor operator checks if either the value of the first or second variable is true, but not both.
Example of xor operator in php.
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